Saturday, July 11, 2020

Weather - Cloudy Logic

The purpose of this lesson is to teach students the different cloud types and their purposes. 
Below is a link that contains two different activities that can be done to learn about clouds.

The first 3 pages in the link are for the same activity, diagramming the clouds. Print out the page that has all the cloud types on it and make sure each student gets one set of cloud types

These cloud types include Nimbostratus, Stratus, Stratocumulus, Cumulonimbus, Cumulus, Altostratus, Altocumulus, Cirrocumulus, Cirrus, Cirrostratus.

You can choose to have the students guess what goes where, or you can teach about each type individually then see if the students can figure out which one you're describing. 

After you have discussed the types have the students cut out the papers and glue them next to their respective cloud on the next page.
Once they have finished gluing on their papers, you can have them either discuss who put which type where and if it is wrong or right. Or you can have them discuss if they have ever seen any of these cloud types before. 

You could also take them outside, if possible, and let them see what kind of clouds are in the sky at the time.

One thing that I have used to help me remember the basic cloud types is this little song/jingle whatever you want to call it:
"Stratus is the flattest in the cloud family.
 Cirrus is the highest it goes tickle tee-hee-hee.
 Cumulus is cauliflower yummy as can be.
 Nimbus is the rain cloud that rains on you and me."

Once they have finished with the other activities the last activity that is on the link above is a cloud book that they can cut out, fold, and color, then keep to help them remember, or to help them teach someone else.

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